Sunday, July 24, 2011

Asian Kohlrabi Salad

It seemed the Kohlrabi became ready for harvest all at once this season.  After a slow growing start, the encouragement of longer days and warm sun took over, and Kohlrabi exploded right out of the ground.  Once a kohlrabi becomes ready for harvest, never delay as it quickly acquires the consistency of fire kindling  (very woody). Kohlrabi can be stored in the refrigerator if necessary for a couple of weeks, but like anything you put in the "crisper", the sooner it can be converted to dinner the better. Always leave the root on the Kohlrabi until you are ready to use it, as cutting it off accelerates the "woodification process". For this salad, Scott peeled and then sliced the kohlrabi into very thin sticks, (julienned?) He added some red onion, broccoli florettes and a little carrot to give the salad colour, you could easily substitute in a red or purple pepper, cauliflower or even some sugarsnap pea pods.  For the dressing he combined juice of half a lime, soy sauce, honey, sesame oil, dried ginger, fresh garlic very finely chopped, Thai basil and a little white pepper. Cilantro could be used in this dressing, but the Thai basil made a nice option for those who find cilantro overwhelming, while still keeping the consistency with the Asian flavour.  Once the salad dressing was ready, he tossed everything together and mixed it well, to ensure the dressing coated all the kohlrabi.  This salad is best prepared one day in advance and refrigerated to allow the flavours to merge with the kohlrabi. For the brave at heart, drizzle a little Sriracha hot sauce across the top before serving.  This salad works well alongside grilled shrimp or chicken kebabs.

1 comment:

  1. I had a version of this salad and it is DELICIOUS. Having thirds delicious.
